Woman on the Edge of Time

Woman on the Edge of Time

Piercy, Marge
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[This novel] is the ... story of Connie Ramos, a Chicana woman in her mid-thirties, living in New York and labeled insane, committed to a mental institution. But the truth is that Connie is overwhelmingly sane, heroically sane, and tuned in to the future. Connie is able to communicate with the year 2137. Two totally different ways of life are competing. One is beautiful - communal, nonsexist, environmentally pure, open to ritual and magic. The other is a horror - totalitarian, exploitative, rigidly technological. In Connie's struggle to keep the institution's doctors from forcing her into a brain control operation, we find the timeless struggle between beauty and terror, between good and evil ... with an astonishing outcome.-Back cover.